Tuesday 22.10.2024 at 8.30–9.00 MK Aamukahviseura:

How to connect your brand with core human needs to unlock long-term growth

Guest speakers Lars Schulman & Stuart Barnes (VML Finland)

As marketeers we are expected to keep up with the fast change in technology, culture and society. But too often we forget that humans don’t evolve at the same rate as technology does. Whilst the way we satisfy our needs may change, what drives those choices is rooted deep in the way the human brain works. 

Your brand only exists in people’s brains. It is a collection of ideas that others have about you, which they can remember. By applying a little knowledge about how brains actually work, you can have a massive impact on the effectiveness and value of your marketing. 

In this session, Stuart Barnes will share some simple, practical frameworks adapted from cognitive science that you can use on a daily basis to create better B2B and B2C brands and communications. 

In 30 minutes, we’ll cover topics like:
📍The six fundamental human motivations, and how to use these for positioning and competitor analysis.
📍A three point checklist for making daily decisions about your brand strategy and communication. 
📍A framework for creating behaviour change amongst customers and colleagues.

See you on Tuesday!

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MK Aamukahviseura on MarkkinointiKollektiivin tuotannon juontama virtuaalinen aamukahvihetki, jossa jaetaan inspiraatiota vaihtuvien vieraiden kanssa markkinoinnin asiantuntijoillle. Tarjolla on rentoa keskustelua markkinoinnin alan ajankohtaisuuksista, aiheista ja ilmiöistä. Katso tallenteita aiemmista Aamukahviseuroista.





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